Monday, June 11, 2012

Proposed eyeglass display area I created for an eye doctor.

Proposed eyeglass display area I created for an eye doctor.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

An example of a photo I embelished to show a potential customer what a proposed planter in their yard might look like.
A series of drawings I did in College that I assembled into a poster.
                            A proposed poster design for the Phillip DeFranco Show on YouTube.

This is a t-shirt design I recently completed. It is a famous quote from Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is a table base I designed and created for a celebrity client in Hollywood.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Plane in the Clouds

...I watched as her plane disappeared into the clouds returning her to China, knowing I’d never see her again. Strained longings attacked me as I sat in the airport recalling her last wave “good bye.”  No longer able to delay the floods of grief, I burst into a blizzard of tears as if I was on some strange drug. I no longer had the power or initiative to hold it back. I looked around for aid but caught only the toxic stares of strangers, and I found the continual exposure to their hazardous glares to be no relief. My eyes were burning. Shooting out of the chair I had collapsed into, I thought some exercise would help get me unstuck from the terror of my loss. I wanted only closure. I jumped on the Metro and travelled down the interstate, getting off down by the dock. I wandered into a restaurant to plot a new target for my life seeking a separation from my failures. A busty waitress was making her way to my table and I could see she was no threat, so I thought I’d say something smart to break the ice.
   “How’s the pork sandwich here?” I queried.
   “Fine, if you don’t mind the Ebola virus,” she drilled back at me like lightning, flashing an electric smile as a sort of warning.
   “Hmm, I haven’t had a good case of food poisoning in a while. A little contamination is good for the soul, besides it doesn’t look like any of your other customers are sick,” I said feeling more enriched.
   “These guys are all regulars, they’re resistant, that keeps the deaths to a minimum,” she flirted back at me.
   “Just give me a glass of milk... hold the salmonella,” I said feeling less emotionally stuckOur eyes finally met and a feeling of security rushed over me.
   “I get off in 10 minutes,” she said invitingly.
   I felt a tremor move up my spine. I noticed an erosion of my earlier emotional crash. She just might be able to help me bridge over into a spiritual recovery and aid in the prevention of any suicidal incidents in the future.  “That sounds great!” I said in hopeful response. I pulled out my wallet and glanced inside to make sure I still had a Trojan in there, just in case the evening turned from human to animal...

(The highlighted words above represent key words used by the government to monitor Blogs, Facebook, etc. in their search for "terrorists"... have fun Homeland Security!)

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Single Strand of Hair

I found a single strand of hair today,
  while dusting the shelf above.
Not a usual thing to halt the day,
  but it was from my departed love.

I was surprised I gave it such notice,
  that single strand of hair,
but it reminded me of her sweet kiss,
  which one, I did not care.

It had a unique twist and curl,
  as it laid there in my hand,
that told me it was from that girl,
  whose departure I had not planned.

I knew it had to be cherished,
  just like the girl who once owned it.
Her leaving I had not wished,
  I would have stopped her, had I known it.

This hair it has much weight,
  now resting on my heart.
I find it hard to translate,
  since our destinies do now part.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Too Young to Know Love?

They said I was too young to know love,
  that it really didn't matter.
I loved that they said that,
  it made me even badder.

They said I was too young to know love.
   They wanted me to be a spectator.
Little did they know,
   I was a better imitator.

They said I was too young to know love,
  there are better things to do.
I knew when they said that,
  it was really just my cue.

They said I was too young to know love,
   I should just go to school,
but that just made it worse,
   as I was starting to drool.

Too young to know love?
   I don't think so,
and please would you meet,
   my heavenly new beau.

They said I was too young,
   it was just "puppy love",
but I'd known all along,
   it was none of the above.

Too young to know love?
  Well I've heard through the chatter,
and you'll be happy to know,
  I picked up more than a smatter.

Too young to know love?
  Well gone is the beau,
and I really must say,
  it was hard to let go.

So now I know love,
   and there's no test to take,
you just offer your heart,
   and have it willing to ache.